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Cancer interventions (Interventional oncology)

A subspecialty within radiology that focuses on minimally invasive procedures for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cancer. Interventional radiologists use image-guided techniques to access and treat tumors or cancer-related conditions. These procedures can be performed using various imaging modalities, such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, to guide the intervention and ensure accurate targeting of the tumor.

Tumor Ablation

Cancers related to liver, spleen, lung, bone and metastasis.

IR Treatments: Tumor ablation is a minimally invasive medical procedure that involves destroying a tumor without removing it from the body. The goal of tumor ablation is to kill cancer cells without surgeryand prevent the tumor from growing or spreading further.

Cancer Realeted jaundice

Occurs when there is a blockage in the bile duct due to cancers. Some common symptoms include: Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), Itching, Dark urine, pale stools, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and weakness.

IR Treatment- Percutaneous Biliary Stenting(SEMS): Biliary metallic stents  are typically used in cases where there is a blockage or narrowing in the biliary system. It helps in restoring the normal physiologocal flow of bile into the gut and relieves the symptoms.

Liver tumor

Liver tumors like hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and certain metastasis of other diseases.

IR Treatment- TACE: It involves injecting chemotherapy drugs directly into the artery that supplies blood to the cancerous tumor in the liver, followed by embolization. It delivers a high concentration of chemotherapy drugs directly to the tumor while minimizing the exposure of other body parts. Localised high chemotherapy doses  help to shrink the tumor.

Downstaging of Tumors

Selective advance stage tumors.


IR Treatment: Downstaging of a tumor refers to the process of reducing the extent or severity of the cancer. It is often used in a situation where a cancer that was initially thought to be at an advanced stage is found to be at an earlier stage after treatment. Sometimes non surgical cancer patients become a suitable candidate for cancer surgery.

Preoperative Tumor Embolisation


Certain types of tumors, typically vascular tumors such as  head and neck tumors, and spinal tumors.


IR Treatment : Preoperative Tumor Embolization: The goal iis to improve the safety and effectiveness of surgical removal by reducing blood loss during surgery, improving visualization of the tumor, and decreasing the risk of postoperative complications. By decreasing the blood supply to the tumor, the procedure also helps to protect healthy tissues and organs surrounding the tumor during surgery.

Vascular tumor Embolisation

​Vascular tumors are a type of tumor that involves abnormal growth of blood vessels  in the body.e.g. Hemangioma of liver.


IR Treatment- Embolisation​: The procedure involves blocking the blood supply to the tumor by injecting tiny particles into the blood vessels that supply the tumor. This process is known as embolization and helps to shrink the tumor by reducing its blood supply.

Obstructive Jaundice

in this condition jaundice develops due to any disease including cancers or stones who obstructs the biliary ducts in the liver.

Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainages(PTBD) : It is a medical procedure in which a thin, flexible tube is inserted through the skin of the abdomen and into the liver to drain bile from the bile ducts.

Biopsy/ FNAC

For diagnosis of type of lumps or masses in the breast, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, salivary gland, liver, and other organs. It can help to determine whether a lump or mass is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) by examining the characteristics of the cells in the sample.

Prostatic Cancer Biopsy

A transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy is a procedure used to diagnose prostate cancer by taking small tissue samples from the prostate gland for examination under a microscope.

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